Members Information

Information for our Members

Welcome to the Dolphin Indoor Bowls Club. Now you are a Member there must be many questions you would like to ask and, based on previous entrants, this page will endeavour to clarify the most common. Most Members play in Leagues at their chosen time, for a 2 hour session, although it is not essential; for if you wish to play a more relaxed game then Open Play, at times as stated in your Year Book, may be for you.

Indoor Bowls Dorest
Dolphin Indoor Bowls


How Do I Join Open Play?

Contact the Dolphin Reception and join in with all other Members who have made a reservation. If telephoning try to avoid the changeover session times when the Staff are very busy handling fees. Apart from the main Open Periods there is nearly always at least one rink available for Open Play – again contact the Dolphin Reception for details.

Another form of relaxed bowling are the Spoons and New Bowler League sessions, where a draw takes place for rink positions and rinks move to play different opposition every 4 ends. All very social and enjoyable with a chance to win a voucher at the end of each session for the most successful team.

Spoons sessions during the Winter season are held on Monday (16.00 - 18.00hrs), Tuesday (11.40 - 13.40hrs) and Thursday (16.00 - 18.00).

New Bowler League is held on Tuesday (7pm-9pm).

Indoor Bowls Food and Eating
Indoor Bowls UK

How Do I Join Spoons Matches?

Place your name on the list situated in the foyer or just turn up at least 20 mins BEFORE the start of the session.

How Do I Join A League?

This is generally by invitation from the Team Secretary/Captain who can register whoever he/she wishes with the League Secretary. Or why not form your own team with your friends / colleagues as there are invariably spaces available for new teams in most leagues. Contact the Club Reception, stating when you are available. Also write your name on the lists in the foyer, for when you would like to play and scan the other lists where Team Secretaries are advertising for players.

If you wish to join a particular League it is recommended you include your name on the substitutes list, as you can play for every team in all Leagues, and this may provide an introduction. Of course if you are in a League you can’t substitute for other teams in that League, when they are playing against your own team.

What About Competitions?

National Competitions are entered and paid for in March of each year for the following season. Club Competition Entry forms are available in the foyer from mid July onwards. Closing date for entries is usually early October.

What About Friendly Matches?

Most Friendly matches are now Mixed (for both Men & Ladies) and are a great way to play a game of bowls and meet new friends. Just write your name on the coloured sheets in the foyer, Yellow – Mixed Matches. The Team Captain will complete the selection from the list of names and then please tick your name to indicate you will play.

Summer Opening?

The Club is open from mid April to the middle of September Summer Leagues and Open Play. Sessions are Monday to Friday 09.30 - 11.30am, 11.40 - 13.40pm and then open again in the evenings 19.00 - 21.00hrs.

Spoons are held on Monday (19.00 - 21.00hrs), Tuesday (11.30 - 13.30hrs) and Friday (11.30 - 13.30hrs)

Please see your Year Book, or contact the Dolphin Reception for more information.

It is hoped the above will help, but if you require any further information any Club Officer will be pleased to assist, or contact Reception on 01202 675551.

join our club today!

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